Friday, December 14, 2012

M.A Stadium: Worst nightmare for the sports persons in Jammu

M.A Stadium: Worst nightmare for the sports persons in Jammu

Yash Khajuria
JAMMU, Dec 13:  With playing courts in shabby condition, non-functional fountains, broken benches, basic infrastructure almost missing, this is the condition of M.A Stadium, which offers sportspersons space to train themselves for national and international events.
If not to talk about the sportspersons what else could be worsening to that, with full of filth and foul smell where one cannot stand for even a while, the authorities are unable to provide proper urinals and toilets for the visitors, including the lower rank officials.
Though it is drawing huge rush of newcomers as well as regular sportspersons who are cursing the authorities at the helm of affairs, these days. Since, the heads of the organizations and a few senior officers have attached bathrooms; they are least bothered about the common visitors to the arena.
There is no place for the parents of the players to sit in the stadium. Benches are broken, grass almost missing where a person could at least sit for a while. Basketball court in dilapidated condition has its own tale of woes, as no player can practice there. The flood light Kabaddi Stadium have the same theory, , kho-kho court missing and all of the above the only swimming pool without water and closed for all since long.
"It seems that nobody is there to take care of the main sports venue in this winter capital of the State, which has hosted many national tournaments", said one among the parent of a sportspersons who accompanies his son to the stadium.
Commenting on the pathetic condition of the Stadium, a veteran sportsperson said pleading anonymity that all this is due to Kashmir centric mindset of the leaders and bureaucrats who have always ignored Jammu for the reasons best known to them.
He said that this is the reason that State has failed to produce players to win medals at national level, despite plenty of talent in the area.
A large number of youngsters come to the skating rink and the parents of almost all youngsters are worried. Moreover, the parents or the players have no proper place to sit whether it’s the hot weather conditions under the blistering Sun in summers or the freezing cold in winters.
He needs to rise to the occasion immediately. He must pay surprise visits to the sports venues like the M A Stadium in order to ascertain how sports affairs are being (mis)managed right under his nose." This was stated by a renowned sportsperson of Jammu wishing not to be named.
Sources revealed that the indoor managers of the stadium are only provided meager amount for the maintenance and construction work of the stadium. Other miscellaneous expenses have to be made by a long process.

Saturday, December 08, 2012

Katra rail link brings worry for traders, hoteliers in Jammu

Katra rail link brings worry for traders, hoteliers in Jammu

Yash Khajuria
JAMMU, Dec 05: The completion of the much awaited Katra Railway Station which is scheduled to be commissioned on March 2013 will bring cheer for commuters, but transporters and hoteliers of Jammu fears that it would adversely affect their business.

The Jammu Tawi Railway Station which is the key transit spot for the commuters coming from the rest of the India via rail Link is providing the business for the local transporters and hoteliers besides the tiny traders who generate their bread and butter by their respective business only bythe large exchange of the tourists.

But the million dollar question is what will be the future of Jammu after the train gets operational.
Where on the one side Chief Public Relation Officer, Northern Railway Neeraj Sharma informed that the 25.2 km rail link which is being constructed since 2004 would be operational by March next year will provide a direct link for the commuters to connect with the base camp of Mata Vaishnodevi shrine in Trikuta hills, and around 14 passenger trains would run on the Udhampur-Katra route which is expected to meet the heavy influx of passengers.

On the other hand the government is falling short in sprouting possible business for the local traders on the offset of deficit by this direct Rail link.
 In this context senior vice-president- Transporters Welfare Association Jammu, Anil Chopra says, “Undoubtedly, the development is needed for the overall development of the state but at the same time the government has to be concerned about those who will be jobless after this rail link becomes operational”.
We already had demanded to the tourism authorities to develop some side scenes within the vicinity of district Jammu so that the tourist could get attracted to this side of the state which is already falling short as far as the tourist spots. But It seems the government is more concerned about the promotion of tourism in Kashmir province because whenever a financial package is announced by the authorities to boost tourism in the state, a major chunk of it goes to the Valley,” he said.
Many projects able to compensate the business for the Jammuties which includes the artificial Lake project at Tawi, Cable Car Project and project of Developing Border tourism are the tale of just announcements as the deadlines are extending one by one.

Friday, December 07, 2012

Ceasefire violations on IB could delay opening of Suchetgarh border for tourism

Ceasefire violations on IB could delay opening of Suchetgarh border for tourism

Yash Khajuria   
JAMMU, Dec 6: The repeated incidents of ceasefire violation from the other side of the LoC and International Border in recent years have delayed the much hyped Border Tourism Project at Suchetgarh sector, and there are indications that government may put this ambitious project on hold.

Under the project approved by Central Government a park over 150 kanals would be established near the border post and the entry gate which has divided the two nations since the bitter winter war in 1947 when part of state was occupied by Pakistan.

Plan included construction of tourist facilitation centre, land scaping and development of terrace garden with fountains and development of walkway to oversee international border. Apart from this tourist watch tower, war memorial with photo gallery of martyrs of the area, and an amphi-theatre would be constructed at the site.

According The first phase of the Rs 5 crore project is being implemented by Tourism Department and Border Security Force (BSF) to give atheistic look to the border outpost and its surrounding, which till partition of the sub-continent was an important link between Jammu and Sialkote city of Pakistan.

However Director Tourism Robin Singh Mehta said that the project work was on full swing at site and was almost 80 percent complete but the Border Security Force didn't grant permission to set some of the infrastructures including towers at the Border Out Post due to security reasons, the permission for which was sought by the tourism authorities.

Meanwhile, PRO Defence said "This is a matter related to higher authorities that's why the permission not being granted. If the tourism authorities are up to develop the infrastructure for the tourism attraction similar to the one at Wagha Border then, there is a need of NoC from the Pakistan side."

However, DIG BSF Jammu Frontier J S Oberoi said that he was not having any information regarding the permission sought by the tourism authorities for the aforesaid project.

The centrally sponsored project to develop Suchetgarh and Shrine of Baba Chamyal on International Border with Pakistan as major tourist attraction will be completed by the end of year 2013.

Officials said that development of various places of tourist attraction taken under the project “Development of Border Area Tourism Circuit Jammu’ and sanctioned by Ministry of Tourism, Government of India is likely to be thrown open for visitors by 2014, making it one of the important attraction in the city.

Monday, December 03, 2012

Govt. to rein on fake sports associations in J&K, not allowed to play in sports events

They have become money minting machines

Govt. to rein on fake sports associations in J&K, not allowed to play in sports events

Yash Khajuria
JAMMU, Dec 02:
As the mushrooming of ‘fake sports association’ have becoming a money minting machines to get a share of the central and state funds for the expansion of the sports in Jammu and Kashmir, J&K Sports Council has gone tough on these association and is denying them to send their players at national games.

Sources said that though some of the association having close links with the some politicians are trying to pressurize the officials, but keeping in view the allegations of huge corruption in these bodies, government has decided to go tough against them.

Recently some of the associations just for getting affiliation from state or National sporting councils were pressuring the Jammu University (JU) to get berths for their teams in the Inter-Varsity competitions.

“They want just participating certificates and have no love for promoting talent. This way they are able to pounce on the funds while the promotion of sports is shown only on papers”, said a source.

According to sources, the Directorate of Sports and Physical Education, JU had decided not to send its unprepared teams for competing in Inter-Varsity competitions claiming that bad performance of the team creates a bad image of the university. Sources added that in a bid to gain advantage, some individuals had approached the department and asked them to allow their teams for participation in Inter-Varsity championships.

Prof Dhian S Bhau, Director, Directorate of Sports and Physical Education while confirming the development told that JU has a set pattern of selection of team in which participation of the colleges is must, but some individuals have approached JU with a pre-listed team and demanded to dispatch those on the behalf of JU, now the big question is that who knows those listed players are the actual students of any college or a Truck Driver we have a set phenomenon to represent the team for JU and we accountable for every misdeed within this matter. Though, JU will never allow such individuals to get success in their objectives at any cost.

He said being responsible for every action and inaction in sports it was better to not field a team instead of fielding weak teams for participation in Inter-Varsity and any other national level competitions.

“Our policy is very clear and we will stick to it. Cancellation of participation of women Handball team is one such example of that. The preparation of women team was not up to the mark”, Prof Bhau said.

“Recently a person approached the department for seeking its permission to depute the team for participation. When I asked him on what basis I shall allow the team to participate he told me that the players are sure to win medals”, Director claimed.

“Matter is not whether the team win medals or not but there is a set procedure which a department is to follow”, Prof Bhau added. “The department is conducting Inter-College competitions every year to select the teams for Inter-Varsity competitions in various disciplines on the basis of their performance. We are accountable to all the affiliated colleges who are fielding their teams in these competitions and how it could be possible that we select the players for any competition whom we do not know which college they are representing”, Director sports maintained.

“Whatever is the motive of these individuals but as far as we are concerned, the department will never ever allow such persons to dictate terms. It is better not to send half prepared team for participation rather than selecting a fake team”, Prof Bhau said.

Sunday, December 02, 2012

Farooq orders inquiry into Ranji team selection

JKCA treasurer resignation row

Farooq orders inquiry into Ranji team selection

Yash Khajuria
JAMMU, Dec 01
: In an immediate reaction to the resignation offered by Manzoor Wazir, Treasurer, Jammu Kashmir Cricket Association (JKCA), late last evening, the JKCA president, Dr Farooq Abdullah has intervened into the matter has ordered inquiry into the Ranji team selection row.

Wazir had dispatched his resignation to Abdullah stating therein that he made every possible effort to ease things out between JKCA and the Kashmiri players over the issue of team selection and captaincy, but all went in vain, owing to which he was resigning from the post of treasurer.
Sensing gravity of the matter, JKCA president ordered to constitute a committee of senior JKCA Officials for conducting the enquiry into the whole episode.

Talking to TNI, Ranjit Kalra, Chairman- JKCA Media Committee, while confirming the development told that career of the players and their dignity were of utmost importance to the JKCA.  “JKCA President Farooq Abdullah has taken this issue very seriously and shall shortly constitute a committee of senior JKCA officials to underscore this matter”.

He also stated that the as of now the president JKCA had not taken any decision with respect to the acceptance of the resignation forwarded by the Manzoor Wazir.

Sources disclosed that Wazir submitted his resignation after he came to know that some of the officials of JKCA had bargained the selection of Jammu players in the team over the Kashmiri players at the time of selection.

Whereas the member of JKCA Provincial Committee Mehboob Iqbal refuted any possibility of deal being made for bias selection. He said “Nine players from Kashmir and 7 players from Jammu were selected for the match that is being played at Guwahati from today onwards.”

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Cricket players ready for written apology to end ‘revolt’

Cricket players ready for written apology to end ‘Revolt’

Yash Khajuria

JAMMU, Nov 27: A written apology by the players who revolved against the J&K Cricket Association (JKCA) ended the stalemate between the management and players after five days.

Though the cricket team was defeated by the Andra Pradesh in a one sided match but the back channel diplomacy by the senior members of association ensured that the mess in the cricket association is cleared at the earliest.
“We have brought our demands ahead of the JKCA officials included Incharge Manzoor Ahmed Wazir and Nayeem Ahmed Bakshi – member Provincial Committee in the meeting held in Kashmir today and received positive nod”, said Majid Dar - Player JK Cricket team.

There were rapid flow of reports aired on web spectrum after the meeting of players and JKCA officials concluded that the dispute seems to have been resolved. The players and the Jammu and Kashmir Cricket Association (JKCA) are reportedly working out a compromise which might involve an apology by the players.
In this context Majid Dar said that their basic demand was to select a uniform team for the rest of the matches by including the players from Kashmir region who were left out of the last match.
“As far as the apology is concerned meeting was attended by few players and not by the all boycotted players and we could not present an apology on the behalf of the absent players, but we will decide collectively that what to do however lets first see what the JKCA decides.

Interestingly, when contacted to the senior member of the regional committee of JKCA, Mehboob Iqbal notwithstanding to the aforesaid he stated that being an official of JKCA he has no information regarding this meeting and if any meeting was held. Though the team will be selected on the merit of talent and requirements, nobody will be selected pre-conditionally.
“It is a matter for the selection of a state team not the provincial team hence the team will be selected with the reverence of the Chief Coach and the selection panel not by member of a provincial committee”, he quipped.
Pertinent to mention here that, the boycott was led by state team captain Samiullah Beigh leveled by the allegations of regional bias by selectors and Coach Bishan Singh Bedi that Bedi was giving preference to players from Jammu over them.

For the official version when contacted to the Legendry Cricketer and JK Cricket Team’s Chief-Coach Bishan Singh Bedi has so far refused to comment over this in fact he expresses “I have nothing to say officially or unofficially as I am as aware as anybody else”.
Regarding the meeting held in Kashmir when questioned that did JKCA have kept his self involved in the meeting he said that he has no info whatsoever is happening out there in Kashmir.

Fight between players, team management affecting cricket in J&K

JKCA mess

Fight between players, team management affecting cricket in J&K

Yash Khajuria

JAMMU, Nov 27
: The internal differences within Jammu Kashmir Cricket Association (JKCA)is almost ‘destroying’ the cricket in the state, which is already jolted by scam in the association and alleged involvement of Union Minister Farooq Abdullah, who heads the association.
The internal differences between the Kashmir based players and management has become a major factor for the poor performance of the team against the formidable rival, Andra Pradesh in the ongoing Ranji Trophy match. .
The performance of the state particularly in cricketing ventures in the past few months have unzipped the loop holes adopted by association- the supreme body for the development of the cricket in the state of Jammu and Kashmir.
 “Key factor for poor performance of the state team over the years is the least participation of the raw talent from capital cities, Jammu and Srinagar, which has given too much representation”, pointing towards the revolt within the selectors, coach and the boycotted players”, said Manzoor Ahmed Batt, Patron Young Star Cricket Club, (YSCC) DODA.
He pointed out that every year JKCA holds selection cum trial camps either in Jammu or in Srinagar in which only few cricketers get opportunity to prove themselves. “Whereas the maximum cricketers from other remote and far-flung Districts are not getting any chance to explore their hidden talent”, said a official.
The Cricketers from rural and far-flung Districts including Doda, Ramban, Kishtwar, Reasi, Kathua, Samba, Rajouri, Poonch, and others are not well aware for the cricket trials conducted by the JKCA  hence it becomes impossible for those cricketers to reach Jammu or Srinagar at the time of selection cum trials.
“For last 20 years only 32 cricket clubs in the state have been given affiliation with JKCA so far. The President JKCA Dr Farooq Abdullah should have to constitute District level Club in every District of the state on the pattern of other states like Uttar Pradesh, Delhi, Punjab etc so that those being ignored could get chance at district level to prove their hidden talent so as to represent the state team in different categories” he added.
As hard the players compete to get selected as good the team will be constituted because the deserving player would be selected which is more fruitful both for the players and JKCA, and we will hopefully not face this outrageous incident again.

Monday, November 26, 2012

JKCA yet not responded to Kashmiri cricketer’s boycott.

Regional Rift within JK Cricket Team

JKCA yet not responded to Kashmiri cricketer’s boycott. 

Yash Khajuria

JAMMU, Now 25
: With no signs for an end to the ongoing stalemate between players who boycotted to play against Andhra Pradesh on Saturday in a crucial Ranji Trophy match and team management, the players from Kashmir on Saturday marched back towards valley.
The players showing resentment told TNI that even after 24 hours that JKCA including chairman Dr. Farooq Abdulla has not responded to their plea.
“We were there in Jammu in our hotel for 10 am of the morning but it is the height of the arrogance by the high headed officials as they even did not bothered to inform us  what is their stand, so we have decided to move back,” said player, Samiullah Beigh- skipper of the team. 
It was almost revolt like situation in the J&K Cricket team after senior players refused to participate in the match against Andhra Pradesh alleging biased selection of players.
Later management had decided ground a team comprised of players only from Jammu region to represent the state in the Ranji match at GGM Science College ground in Jammu.
When contacted to the selector of the team Mehboob Iqbal said that they have not restricted any of the deserving players in squad at the time of selection.
“A competitive team was chosen for the match. But unfortunately some of young and talented player who were mislead by some players created this menace”, Iqbal said.
I would like to clear that only two, three players who despite being on the verge of their carrier want to pick them in the squad without any on ground performance, which is not up to standard for the selectors, Iqbal adds.
He further said that even they were given chance to prove themselves in the initial match which they failed hence we did not opted them for the next match.
However our team has played upto the expectation of the selectors in the match against AP despite the fact that our team lacks some of the talented Kashmir based batsmen who irrationally boycotted even after been their selection in the team.
So we would like to inform those dogged individuals that the management will discuss for the selection of players in the next match who are deserving and talented but undeserving and vandal elements shall not be selected by any kind of pressure.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

JU in fix over inclusion of tainted official in Cricket team

JU in fix over inclusion of tainted official in Cricket team

Yash Khajuria
Jammu, Nov 23
: The controversy over the inclusion of suspended official in the playing XI of Jammu University for All India Vice Chancellor's T-20 Cricket Cup Tournament-2012 has refused to die down. On other hand, the University authorities were issuing vague statements to justify the inclusion of tainted official in the team.

AEE Akash Bholla, who is presently under suspension on charges of corruption, has been allowed to play in the ongoing All India Vice Chancellor’s T-20 Cricket Cup Tournament – 2012. The students of the University are up in arms against the inclusion of Bhola in the playing XI terming the step as abetment to corruption.

On one side Prof. Dhian Singh Bhau, Director, Sports and Physical Education as well as Organizing Secretary of the tournament issued a statement refuting charges of favouritism to Akash Bholla and justified his inclusion. But on other side, Registrar Prof Naresh Padha said deliberations were being held with the Vice Chancellor to take final call on Bhola's inclusion in the team. He said, "Thorough discussion is being held keeping all the pros and cons on the issue. The prestige of University is foremost and if necessitated Bhola will be withdrawn from the team."

Pertinent to mention here that the JU administration has made selection of an alleged tainted official Akash bhola against whom the investigation is being held by Vigilance Organization. Interestingly, the Vice Chancellor Dr M P S Ishar had himself referred the matter to the Vigilance.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Omar Govt. takes no action against non-state subjects living in J&K

Omar Govt. takes no action against non-state subjects living in J&K

Yash Khajuria
Jammu, Nov 21: The State subject inquiry commission meant to examine the number of fake permanent Resident Certificates PRC (State Subject) failed to check the fictitious state subjects operating in the state.

Sources have disclosed that almost 100 cases have been filed regarding the complaints for fake PRC holders in the police records but the conviction is still not initiated due to the reasons best known to the authorities.

The role of the state subject inquiry commission can be judged by this that the vital commission is emasculating for desire of government cooperation and assistance from the official machinery and consequently around 3000 cases are pending for disposal in the absence of appropriate record and non-cooperation of revenue department.

In this context Rajiv Chuni, prominent refugee leader said that from the last 65 years, West Pakistani Refugees have denied their basic right and have not been granted citizenship right here in J&K and instead of them some outsiders businessmen from Punjab and other states got citizenship rights by way of their money power and they are ruling the roost despite of the fact that the complaints of fake PRCs have been registered against them in the State Subject Inquiry Commission and the finding is far from to see the light of the day.

Alleging the foul play back to the door he has said that the main reason of the failure of State Subject Inquiry Commission in the state is, whether the government has not given enough authority to the commission or if the commission despite the powers failed to detect the bogus state subjects being operated by the outsiders” in both the cases the government has to be blamed.

Indulgence of intellectual and political nexus in the state has made a mockery of the PRC Act here in J&K with the connivance of revenue officers, officials, even some active politicians, those persons hailing from outside the state are getting the PRC easily and legitimate poor people who are seeking PRC are running from pillar to post in absence of any such approach or proper system and transparency in the revenue department, he said.

Interestingly as per information provided by the sources only few countable number of PRC’s out of the 3000 cases were cancelled by the government on the recommendations of the commission, and Surprisingly, even most of the cases wherein the Commission reached to the final conclusion and made necessary recommendations like seizure of the property, could not reach logical conclusion because the recommendations of the Commission got challenged in the courts of law and nobody from the Government dared to vigorously pursue the same.

The Sate Subject Inquiry Commission, when contacted to get the official version representative in Jammu office Retd. Session Judge Mohinder Singh denied to provide any information and said that the Jammu office have no information regarding the recommendation of the number of fake PRC’s Cases in the state and if needed any information regarding the matter would be available to the Srinagar office of the Commission headed by Justice Parray, whereas justice Parray could not be contacted due to informed bad health.

Technical education deptt without Deputy Director for last two months

Number of files pending for approval

Technical education deptt without Deputy Director for last two months

Yash Khajuria
JAMMU, Nov 20: In what could be termed as apathetic attitude of the government the post of Deputy Director- Technical Education is still vacant despite the fact that the last deputy director got superannuated about two months back.
Sources said that internal bickering within the department is responsible for the delay as several lobbies are active to place their man at the top post, which decide over granting approval to various technical course, being set up by private educationists.

People have alleged that due to the vacant post of the officer in the office, their official works are getting delayed by every passing day for past three and half months but nobody is there to redress their issues in the department concerning and they have to undergo into the state of suspense and dilemma that why the authorities are not deputing a successor to the vacant post for so long.

“There were a total of 21 Industrial Training Institutes (ITI's) and 2 Polytechnics in the State at the time of the creation of the Directorate and with the growth and diversification of the activities of the Department, the number now stands at 37 ITI's and 12 Polytechnics and work has suffered”, said a source.

However, Director, Technical Education S.C Sawhney when contacted said that they have sent the proposal to the government and it is the government which has to take decision.

“Government has to decide on the issue, we have asked them to place a competent officer so that work does not suffer. Hope post will be filled soon’, Sawhney said.

 Sawhney said that till new official takes charge of the post  he is himself attending the office on regular and efforts are being made to complete the pending files so that people don’t have to suffer.

“But if anybody have faced the inconvenience interim this period, they may appear in front of me I will try my best to put right their issues”, he said.
The minister for Technical education for state R.S. Chib could not be contacted for the official version despite many attempts.

The Directorate of Technical Education was established in the year 1981 by the creation of a unified body for the administration and control of the Institutions imparting Technical/ Vocational Trainings in the State. The integration was felt necessary to co-ordinate the related training activities and to affect more efficient utilization of the mutual resources for the overall development of the training scenario in the State.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Govt. Leaves JKSKK high and dry

Govt. Leaves JKSKK high and dry

Funds falls short to support deaf and dumb. 

Yash Khajuria
JAMMU, Nov 14: At the time where the authorities claim to provide best facilities to the physically disables and to make them skilled, the only institution in Jammu offering education to dumb and deaf students to make them eligible for the life run is on its verge due to unsupportive attitude of the department concerning and the state government.
J&K Samaj Kalyan Kendra (JKSKK) is running Higher Secondary School for Hearing Handicapped under State Board of School Education (JKBOSE) exclusively for duff and dumb children’s at Shaheedi Chowk Jammu since 1981 where hundreds of duff and dumb children’s are learning education free of cost.
The institution which was of secondary level earlier has got the up-gradation by JKBOSE to Higher Secondary Level on 6th August 2012 after the repeated requests of the activists of JKSKK. But the institution is running under severe financial crises and other facilities mandatory for the better education of the students.
Ethically, where it is the duty of the state government to provide education and other facilities to these handicapped students, like the normal students have as they are also the part of the same world and society, the state government has totally closed his eyes and ears towards these handicapped children’s as a consequence they are deprived of quality education despite of their will and dedication.
Roshan Bhan, Principal of the school while talking to TNI has said that they are running under heavy financial crises as the meager annual grant of Rs 70000 provided by the social welfare department is the only assistance on the part of state government out of which Rs 30,000 goes to Custodian department as a rent of the hired building in which school is running.
He further said that due to this financial crises they have deployed only five teachers for teaching more than hundred students that’s too upto higher secondary level on the pay scale between Rs 2400 to Rs 4,000 which is clearly inadequate but doing so as obligation.
He urged to the state government to provide sufficient funds so that they become able to pay adequate salary to the teachers or deploy government teachers for the education of these duff and dumb children’s.
He disclosed that in 1995 they purchased 8 kanals of land from JDA by paying Rs 2 lacs for the residential school as on being the only school in J&K large number of students from the different areas of the state reach there and use to stay in rented homes with one of their parent resulting to the division of family also.
But the land granted by the JDA was a disputed land and in 2006 JDA gave them land at Gole Gujral that’s too on new rates for which they paid Rs 2 lacs more but this time again they were cheated by the JDA despite of giving 2 lacs extra payment and four fencing, the said land was stayed by some unknown person claim that the he is the real owner of the land after which the dream of constructing residential school again got washed and now they are waiting for the court verdict.
He accused the state government for fetching the right of real duff and dumb as the 3 percent reservation as per the handicapped act 1998 including one percent for the duff was amended in 2000 by SRO 62 in which duff was changed to partial duff hence person with the minor problem are taking benefit while the deserving are getting deprived of it.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Diwali ‘Shoppers Spree’ paralyses vehicular traffic

Diwali ‘Shoppers Spree’ paralyses vehicular traffic  

Yash Khajuria
JAMMU, Nov 12
: With one day to go for Diwali, Jammu markets are presenting a bedecked look at its best. Eager buyers are seen bee-lined at various outlets.
Shops are charmingly decorated that is a great way to get into the festive mood.
Uncaring of inflation boom, the buyers are not lagging behind in purchasing festive stuff. Shops are flooded with Chinese articles. From Ganesh to Laxmi to Maa Durga all deities are also China made.
Most shops have set up stalls outside their premises to display Diwali wares like candles, diyas, rangoli colours, wall hangings and decorative items.
The “extended shops” however added to the shoppers' woes as the restricted parking and movement space has become a great hudle . “I came here to buy Diwali gifts, but with extended shops and stalls, there is absolutely no space left for vehicle parking,” said Sham Lal Thappa, who made a shopping stop at City Chowk Jammu.
With no option left but to park along carriageways, shoppers ended up paying fines or having their vehicles towed away.
“The authorized parking spaces are not enough to cater to such a heavy volume of traffic. So people end up parking in residential spaces or wherever else they can find space,” said Neelam Mahajan a Local from Parade, pointing at the unknown vehicles parked near her house.
While shopper streets in the heart of the city also had special displays and offers lined up, most people preferred shopping at local and wholesale markets. With most people not prepared to brave the rush in wholesale markets, many were seen shopping festive supplies at places like Raghunath Bazar Market.
Heavy footfall was witnessed today at Raghunath Bazar, Apsara Road, City Chowk, Parade and other markets in Jammu resulted traffic to be slow because of “heavy volume of vehicles” at condensed roads in the city which includes Shalamar Road, Parade, Kachhi Chawni, Gandhi Nagar Commuters also saw major traffic problems because of the festive rush.
“We increased surveillance in areas likely to get choked in the evening times and will do extra deployment of the traffic personals in these areas to prevent any such kind of choking” said Munir Khan, IG Traffic. 

Friday, November 09, 2012

Sewerage projects running behind schedule in Jammu, Srinagar

Sewerage projects running behind schedule in Jammu, Srinagar

Yash Khajuria
JAMMU, Nov 08: The construction work of two major sewerage projects in the state of J&K which is been awaited completion for many years is likely to delay more, as numerous problems are being encountered by the agency responsible for carrying out such works in the Eastern part and this would have adverse impact on the entire ambitious project.
The project was started in March 2008 under the Urban Infrastructure and Development Scheme (UIG) of the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM) is still seems to be inapt to end the multiple problems being faced by the common masses.
The State Housing and Urban Development (HoUD) Department is overseeing the implementation of the projects which is being executed by the National Buildings Construction Corporations Ltd (NBCC).
In its official report the HoUD has said that the pace of execution was slow due to shifting and realigning of BSNL and PHE utilities, site clearance and extremely narrow and congested areas of the old city. The overall physical progress achieved with regard to sewerage projects in Jammu and Srinagar stands at 40 per cent and 45 per cent respectively.
However, Commissioner JMC K L Khajuria when contacted has said that the project is being executed by three different agencies that is ERA, NCCC and HoUD, for which they have been provided the allocation of funds by mean of loan by different organization besides the funds allocation by the central govt. and they are working on the said project to finish it off at nearest.  Even a sewerage treatment plant being executed by HoUD, scaling of 27 million litre daily (MLD) capacity is about to complete in Jammu which is part of the project and it will complete December 2013.
Pertinently, the budget allocations by the Central government for the two sewerage systems are Rs 129.23 crore and Rs 132.92 crore respectively.
Besides construction of two plants in these cities, sewerage projects also include laying of trunk, lateral and raider sewer lines across major residential and commercial areas there and also providing house connections.
The house connections phase will be taken up only after major sewerage lines are laid down which is a difficult part because of traffic congestion in commercial areas and limited space availability in residential areas of the old city, the official report says.
In Jammu, sewer lines are being laid in 55.83 kilometers of the city connected to more than 30,000 homes. In Srinagar, the sewer lines will be connected to 48,000 homes spread across 143.8 kilometer area.
The HoUD has set 30 September, 2013 and 31 March, 2014 deadline for the sewerage project completion in Jammu and Srinagar respectively.
Whatsoever the claims of different authorities over delay in start of work, completion of already taken up work and digging up of roads in some areas once again, the fact is that people have been facing numerous difficulties during the past several years. Each and every agency responsible for the completion of project and those supervising the execution of the same should ensure that people’s difficulties are reduced at the earliest.  

Thursday, November 08, 2012

Outsiders making mockery of sports council rules

Outsiders making mockery of sports council rules

Yash Khajuria
JAMMU, Nov 07: Despite the strict orders by JK state sports council in order to curb the misuse of the sports complex by some non player individuals, who often utilise the shutter’s court for their entertainment, the outsiders making mockery of the orders are continues to stay on to the lines of Badminton court.

Though, a state level tournament is on, hence the conditions in the indoor complex are far different but on the other day, the irrelevant occupying of the badminton court by the non player creates hurdles for us because we do not have much time for practice,” said one of the senior shuttlers on the condition of anonymity.

“All the badminton courts remained occupied by the junior shuttlers till 7.30 pm and when it’s the turn for the seniors, we find the stadium close,” he claimed.
Pertinently, due to hectic schedule, the shuttlers get time late in the evening to attend practice session but unfortunately they got deprived of that, as most of the senior shuttlers are employed in various departments.

Another shuttler showing anguish states that non-conduct of the coaching camp and lack of practice was the underlying cause of the shameful performance in the recently held senior national championship and if it remains continued, you cannot expect miracles from us in the upcoming state championships. That is why it is better to quit,” he stressed in a highly disturbed manner.

The state sports council had issued an order regarding the closure of complex at 8 pm after the complaints being poured in by some individuals regarding the disturbance created during practice session of the players at the sports complex.

Intrestingly when contacted to the Indoor Sports Complex manager Satish Gupta, he while applauding his on back has said that since the day he has joined there is a continuous conduct of games is on in the Indoor Complex and he said that we have issued the cards to players and only those who have cards are allowed to practice here at the indoor complex till 8:00 pm as the Secretary, J&K Sports Council, has issued instructions regarding the closure of the Indoor Sports Complex after 8 pm.”

Even any of the players met inconvenience to the closing time, “We really feel sorry for the shuttlers but we have no option but to follow the instructions,” he added.

Defaming Press

Fake Journalists Violate Traffic Rules, With Bogus I-Cards

Defaming Press

Yash Khajuria
JAMMU, Nov 07
Excuse me… I am a media person!!! Just cram these words and vomit if any security officials or traffic police curbs your way is the key to have a press official card in their pouch for many now a days.

Keeping in view the popularity and craze of the media in the present day society, many persons are using the logo “media/press” on their vehicles and even many are using holograms of different media houses in state particularly in the winter capital of the state. 

Even there are examples that these persons are doing other businesses and jobs not remotely related with the media. The purpose of the use of these logos and words of media/press is only to get certain privileges people feel being enjoyed by the media men. 
In Jammu city one can see hallmark of reputed news channels, different newspapers being pasted on the private vehicles of peoples which doesn't have any connection with the media line. It directly/indirectly affects the image of genuine media persons professionally working in the city. 
There were also incidents when such persons were found involved in unscrupulous and illegal activities. Recent incident of unearthing of a brothel in Trikuta Nagar area in Jammu is testimony to this fact. 
Reacting to this fast growing trend, General Secretary of Press Club Jammu, Sohail Qazmi said that indeed some news channels and newspapers were not behaving responsibly. They issued the press cards and stickers to relatives and friends, which did not have any remote link with the media line. This trend is needed to be checked because no one knows how such persons would use these press cards, added Qazmi. He also said that any wrong use of the cards hampers the image of the whole media fraternity. 
When talked to the eminent Journalist Principal Correspondent Dainik Bhaskar (Amritsar) Devender Padha said that whenever intercepted with such persons, the police authorities should take stringent action against those peoples which did not have any connection with the media line. 
Tarun Upadhyay, Principal Correspondent for national daily “Hindustan Times” says “It's amounts to demeaning the sanctity of the Press. Any one by printing press card from a computer can't become a journalist. The police must not only take serious action against such people but law should also be amended to make it a highly cognizable crime”, the authority should also check whether cards are genuine or not, he adds. 
Mohit mehra eminent Journalist and Editor-in-Chief of a Local daily said that there are also many instances in the past where such fake media persons are found involved in smuggling activities. This conduct of these fake journalists has squeezed the space for genuine journalists. 
He also said that initiative of State Information Department to issue official media cards to the media persons. The department after consulting with the media organizations should issue media cards. After completion of the process, all other cards should be cancelled and considered null and void, any person found using these cards should be strictly punished, he added.

Eminent Columnist for national Dailies and a freelance writer Vikram Sharma in this context has said that Misuse of media is a commonplace phenomenon in Jammu and Kashmir. Be it regarding a tag of a press sported on a vehicle or otherwise also, the issue has not been brought under clinical scanner of any administrative department.
The information department has kept its eyes closed and cops do not even bother to get the actual information from the vehicle owner. This is a serious challenge for the state as all are left unchecked that can lead to serious repercussions as the volatility of the state on the terrorists’ and other militant’s activities front is not hidden by the government itself.

Dr. Varun Suthra, eminent columnist and a medical officer in this context has said that there must be some mechanism in authorizing such Identity cards there should be strong coordination in between the media agencies and the Information department. Now organizations have also changed their policies and has opted a very strict approach in this connection, he added.  

However when contacted to the officials of traffic police regarding the frequent distribution and misuse of the press cards he applauded the efforts of TNI for taking concern over this serious issue as the traffic police have face a lot of problem on daily related to the issue said above. He said that the Traffic Department has also demanded a list of the genuine media personnel’s in Jammu by the state Information Department and now we are not allowing any exemption to those who are not in the list.   

Moreover, for the official quote over the increased trend any of the authorized officials including SSP Jammu police could not be contacted despite several attempts.