Tuesday, October 09, 2012

Home delivery of LPG cylinders still stopped by distributors

Home delivery of LPG cylinders still stopped by distributors

Yash Khajuria

JAMMU, Oct 06:
  Despite completion of verification process of LPG consumers in Jammu, but most of them are still not getting the home delivery of the cylinders.

Though the government has asked the oil companies to speed up the verification process of cooking gas connections and delivery of cylinders to avoid inconvenience to public, but consumers are still facing lot of problems in the city.

Official said that the oil companies and LPG agency owners have been directed to avoid any inconvenience to the public with regard to the verification of the connections and delivery of cylinders.

Notwithstanding with the complaints of LPG shortage in the Jammu region the officials refuse to admit that there is any shortage of the LPG gas.

A large number of consumers continue to line up with cylinders in extended queues at outside the offices of LPG distributors have become a daily view in the Jammu. Large number of consumers has complained that are being made to suffer without any fault.

“Even they stopped the home delivery of cooking gas and now the LPG cylinders are denied at outlets as well, the offices of the distributors are too small to handle the chaotic consumers on daily and they even not installed the external booths for the verification process so the consumers who have verified connection can receive the gas delivery, which has poured the unnecessary rush at the distributors offices and the people with verified connection have to wait for long hours and even they back with empty cylinders.

Pertinent to mention that since, about 1.25 lakh consumers have been blocked by oil companies in the Jammu region due to non- verification of LPG connections in view of the policy to cap the number of subsidised cylinders, the distributors have consistently faced the consumers wrath, as they were caught inept to maintain the smooth services of LPG supply.

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